GreenStar SchoolsTips
Baywood Green Team Changemakers
Step 1: Perform a Baseline Assessment OOS Waste Walk through (lunch area only) and Lunchtime Waste Audit Baywood Green Team Changemakers Baywood Elementary San Mateo-Foster City Step 2: Create an Action Plan to obtain GSS certification Baywood Green Team Changemakers Baywood Elementary San Mateo-Foster City Step 3: Complete the Action Projects identified in your Action Plan (must do at least one) Baywood Changemakers Take Charge! Baywood Green Team Changemakers Baywood Elementary San Mateo-Foster City Step 4: Do a Follow-up Assessment and / or report on the actions taken by your class to conserve resources and reduce C02e. Include the numbers here in this step, such as the amount of paper recycled over 30 days. Baywood Changemakers - Post Waste Assessment Baywood Green Team Changemakers Baywood Elementary San Mateo-Foster City Step 5: Celebrate and Share your project(s) Baywood Changemakers Virtual Celebration Baywood Green Team Changemakers Baywood Elementary San Mateo-Foster City Baywood Changemakers - Post Waste AssessmentJune 9 2020 "We now hold monthly Green team meetings for students at lunch-time for problem-solving, to celebrate successes, and to continue building momentum." - Deb Robert, Assistant Principal SummaryAfter Winter Break, Green Team Teachers held monthly Green team meetings for students at lunch-time for problem-solving, to celebrate successes, and to continue building momentum. The school began recognizing outstanding students each week as "Super Sorters" during our weekly announcements. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19, a formal post-waste assessment was not officially carried out at this site, so diversion estimates will be based on similar school diversion totals in the same district and adjusted for the number of students. Considering the success of new waste diversion habits, the school is excited to incorporate the following into future plans: Connect zero waste efforts to design challenges in the Dream Lab, our makerspace, which is open to classrooms and open at lunch-recess. Some project ideas we have are - making recycled paper, creating designs and art using only recycled materials, creating model sustainable homes and cities, etc. We also hope to eventually compost at our school site and to bring more outdoor education to the school to make the Changemaker efforts really come alive! MetricsFood waste, compostable trays and liquids 8800 Pounds of Compostables Diverted from School Waste Stream between October 21st 2019 and March 13th 2020 Recycling diverted from the landfill at lunch - milk cartons, plastic bottles, paperboard 1173 Gallons of Mixed recycling between October 20th 2019 and March 13th 2020 Do you want to do this project with your class? |